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Aglou beach

Aglou beach

Aglou, represents the maritime extension of the city of Tiznit, 12 kilometers away .. one of the most beautiful beaches…

Souk of jewelers

Souk of jewelers

The jeweler's souk, covered, offers a succession of shops in a homogeneous atmosphere of tiling too sober and white…

Kerdous Pass

Kerdous Pass

The Kerdous Pass culminates at 1100 meters above the plain of Sous where the city of Tiznit is located. It gives access…

mirleft beach

mirleft beach

Mirleft is a small village located in the south of Morocco exactly Tiznit. This village is at the meeting of the mountain…

Oued Massa

Oued Massa

Oued Massa is a nature reserve that extends over 1200 hectares, is a wonderful and quiet place with mainly birds 40 km north…

The historic walls of Tiznit

The historic walls of Tiznit

The ramparts of Tiznit is the last work founded in the late nineteenth century in the era of the Alawite Sultan Hassan I.…